Friday, March 02, 2007

A New Set Up

Last January 15 and 16, ACP3 held a planning and evaluation workshop facilitated by Dr. Zeny Reyes of PNU. One of the results of the workshop is a new organizational set up as pictured above.

We now have two divisions with one handling curricular programs and the other handling co-curricular activities.

It was decided that FEU ACP3's thrust will be curricular integration and all co-curricular activities done will be in support of this thrust.

Women's Day

In celebration of Women's Day (March 8) there will be a talk in FEU entitled "The Role of Women in History" at the Prebar Room, Law building, 4th floor.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Monday, September 18, 2006

Peace Walk

FEU ACP3 held its first Peace Walk in the FEU campus. It was participated by roughly 700 students taking the NSTP1 Peace Education modules.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

NSTP Schedule

The NSTP Monday PM group schedule:

September 18 - Peace Walk

September 25 - PHILANSA presentation, film viewing and discussion on small arms proliferation

October 2 - "Challenging Prejudice" presentation to be facilitated by Miriam College Center for Peace Education

September 11 Talk

The Peaceamkers' Circle Foundation gave a presentation for the FEU NSTP1 students last September 11, 2006 on Interfaith Dialogue.

The panel of speakers were composed of Marites Guingona-Africa, Executive Director, Peacemakers' Circle, Catholic, Shakuntala Vaswani, Hindu, Alim Said Basher, Islam, Sultan Maklis Bala, Islam, Mona Bala, Islam, Lee Collano, Catholic. All speakers are bona fide members of the Peacemakers' Circle.

The program started with a slide show focusing on images of violence follwed by sharings from the different religions about their respective teachings on peace. They also presented a 40 minute video documentary of their Muslim-Christian Peace Building Project in Barangay Tala, Caloocan. The affternoon was capped by an open forum facilitated by Ms.Guingona-Africa.

This event coincided with the 100th Anniversary of Gandhi's non-violence campaign started in Johannesburg, South Africa.

For Teachers

"If I don't have wisdom I can only teach you my ignorance. If I don't have joy I can only teach despair. If I don't have freedom I can only put you in cages."

- Leo Buscaglia

Monday, September 11, 2006

Angel C. Palanca

The FEU Angel C. Palanca Peace Program (FEU ACP3) was laucnhed on October 1, 1998 in honor of the birth centennial of the late Don Angel C. Palanca, former chairman of the Far Eastern University.

The purpose of the FEU ACP3 is to promote a culture of peace through curricular integration of Peace Education as well as extra and co-curricular activities.

Don't Forget!

UN International Day of Peace
21 September 2006

"Be the change you wish to see in the world"
- Gandhi